Inamdar Hospital

Best Gastroenterologist in Pune

Gastric Problems – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Gastric problems can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, affecting millions of people worldwide. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatment options is crucial for managing these conditions effectively. Common Symptoms of gastric problems Abdominal pain or discomfort Heartburn or acid reflux Nausea and vomiting Bloating and gas Loss of appetite Difficulty swallowing Causes of Gastric Problems Diet – Consuming spicy, fatty, or acidic foods can irritate the stomach lining, leading to issues like gastritis or acid reflux. Stress – Stress can disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system, exacerbating symptoms of gastric problems. Infections – Bacterial or viral infections can cause inflammation of the stomach lining, resulting in conditions such as gastroenteritis or peptic ulcers. Medications – Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or antibiotics, can irritate the stomach and increase the risk of gastric issues. Medical conditions – Underlying medical conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or Crohn’s disease can contribute to gastric problems. Treatment of gastric problems Some common treatment options include: Lifestyle modifications – Making dietary changes, reducing stress, and avoiding triggers like alcohol and tobacco can help alleviate symptoms. Medications – Over-the-counter or prescription medications such as antacids, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), or antibiotics may be prescribed to manage symptoms and treat underlying infections. Dietary supplements – Probiotics and digestive enzymes can help restore the balance of gut bacteria and improve digestion. Surgical intervention – In severe cases, surgical procedures like fundoplication or gastrectomy may be recommended to treat conditions like GERD or stomach ulcers. Gastric problem can significantly impact the quality of life, but with proper understanding and management, they can be effectively treated. By recognizing the symptoms, addressing underlying causes, and exploring various treatment options, individuals can find relief from gastric issues and enjoy better digestive health. If you are experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, consult Inamdar Hospital’s gastroenterology department for personalized diagnosis and treatment. FAQ’s What are the common symptoms of gastric problems? Common symptoms include abdominal pain or discomfort, heartburn, nausea, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, and difficulty swallowing. What are some common causes of gastric problems? Causes can include dietary factors like consuming spicy or fatty foods, stress, infections (bacterial or viral), certain medications such as NSAIDs, and underlying medical conditions like GERD or IBS. How are gastric problems treated? Treatment options may include lifestyle modifications (dietary changes, stress reduction), medications (antacids, PPIs, antibiotics), dietary supplements (probiotics, digestive enzymes), and in severe cases, surgical intervention. Treatment depends on the specific condition and its severity.

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5 Ways to prevent Gastrointestinal Problems

Indigestion, abdominal distention, and constipation are just a few of the gastrointestinal problems that may make going about your day a chore. One piece of good news is that these problems may be avoided in a number of different ways. If you want to prevent digestive troubles and keep your gut healthy, follow these simple guidelines. Maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet: You can give your body the fuel it needs by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and lean protein. Constipation may be avoided and digestion enhanced by drinking lots of water. The recommended daily intake of water is eight 8-ounce glasses. Reduce your consumption of processed foods: Many of these items are heavy in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, all of which may wreak havoc on your digestive system. Instead, go for unprocessed, entire meals. Don’t eat too much at once; doing so puts unnecessary stress on your digestive system. Eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day. Caffeine and alcohol can contribute to gastrointestinal problems including indigestion and heartburn. Consume these items moderately if at all. Constipation may be avoided and digestive function improved with a regular workout routine. You should try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. Reduce Stress level: Taking care of your stress levels is important since it may prevent stomach issues. Learn to deal with stress in a healthy manner, whether via physical activity, meditation, or counseling. Sleep well: Lack of sleep may negatively affect your health in many ways, including your digestive system. The recommended amount of sleep every night is 7–9 hours. If you suffer from digestive issues, it’s best to avoid eating the foods that bring them on in the first place by keeping a food diary. To prevent future stomach aches, stay away from these meals. Please see a physician: See a doctor to rule out more serious causes if you have ongoing stomach troubles. Conclusion By keeping your gut healthy and free of disorders, you may save a lot of discomforts. Keep in mind that if your Gastrointestinal Problems continue, you should consult a doctor at Inamdar Hospital in Pune to rule out more serious conditions. About Inamdar Hospital INAMDAR MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL – PUNE is an endeavor to alleviate the suffering of patients, by providing the best of healthcare at an optimal cost. A Multispeciality hospital that is centrally located and adorned with state–of–the–art infrastructure and an eminent panel of doctors is in a nutshell what we are all about. A highly sophisticated setup and a panel of super specialists functioning smoothly in a culture of care, commitment, dedication, and concern. Commitment To excellence and giving the patients and attendants, homely and secured facilities ensuring a speedy recovery. We understand the importance of your time. Administering a drug at regular intervals or prompt emergency care, our forte is precise time management which is important in healthcare.

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What is Gastroenterology & GI surgery?

Suffering from infections in the digestive tract is not uncommon in recent times. Many times normal medicinal treatments cannot heal this problem in humans, and doctors suggest surgery for the best treatment. Experts in Gastroenterology perform this surgery on those suffering from problems in their digestive tract. This surgical treatment is a minimally invasive treatment, and it focuses on curing issues in the following areas Esophagus Small intestines Gallbladder Stomach Abdominal Wall Upper GI surgery Upper Gastroenterology Surgery in Pune is the process that heals any type of problem in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This surgical treatment offers the best healing measures for the gallbladder, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, etc. Patients suffering from abdominal pain, heartburn, or acidity for a long time may require this treatment for the best remedies. Lower GI Surgery Doctors suggest lower GI surgery whenever a person suffers from some issues in the small intestine, anus, or rectum. This surgery is performed based on the situation of the patient. How is this gastroenterology surgery performed? A gastroenterology specialist in Pune performs this GI surgery based on advanced surgical treatment. This is a minimally invasive treatment, and it helps patients to get healed within less time. All can check the types of minimally invasive processes below. The prime surgical treatment is laparoscopic surgery. A small incision is done via this surgery to reach the treatment place. The next surgical treatment is endoscopic surgery. Here an endoscope is used through the mouth or nose, reaching the treatment area. This will help doctors to find the exact treatment area and proceed with the required surgery. Professionals of Inamdar Hospital, a reliable Gastroenterology hospital in Pune, perform Robotic surgery to treat all issues in the gastrointestinal tract. This surgery is performed via a computerized system with immense flexibility. About Inamdar Hospital INAMDAR MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL – PUNE is an endeavor to alleviate the suffering of patients, by providing the best of healthcare at an optimal cost. A Multispeciality hospital that is centrally located and adorned with state–of–the–art infrastructure and an eminent panel of doctors is in a nutshell what we are all about. A highly sophisticated setup and a panel of super specialists functioning smoothly in a culture of care, commitment, dedication, and concern. Commitment To excellence and giving the patients and attendants, homely and secured facilities ensuring a speedy recovery. We understand the importance of your time. Administering a drug at regular intervals or prompt emergency care, our forte is precise time management which is important in healthcare.

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Hernia – Symptoms and Types in Women and Men

A Hernia occurs when a weak point in your muscle or tissue allows an internal organ to protrude out of your body. Femoral, umbilical, and Hiatal hernias are among the many varieties of inguinal, femoral, and Hiatal hernias that may occur. The sooner you treat it will be better. What exactly is a hernia? What we refer to as a hernia is when an internal organ or other bodily component protrudes through the muscle or tissue that typically holds it in place. Between the chest and the hips, hernias are most common. Types of Hernia Intestinal hernias are most often seen in the following configurations. The spermatic cord and blood arteries going to the testicles travel via the inguinal canal in males. Womb-supporting circular ligaments are seen in women’s inguinal canals. Fat or part of the intestine protrudes from the groin near the top of the inner thigh in an inguinal hernia. Men are more likely to suffer from this than women. At the top of the inner thigh, fat or portion of the intestine might protrude via a femoral hernia. Older women are more likely to suffer from femoral hernias than younger women. Fat or part of the small intestine protrudes from an umbilical hernia (belly button). It occurs when a portion of the stomach protrudes from the diaphragm into the lungs (the horizontal sheet of muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen). Hernias of the abdomen include: An incisional hernia occurs when tissue pushes through a scar left behind after surgery on the abdomen or pelvis. It’s called an epigastric hernia when fatty tissue protrudes from your abdomen between your navel and sternum (breastbone). Hernia of the Spigelian type: The intestine protrudes from the abdominal wall, just below the navel. A hole in the diaphragm allows abdominal organs to pass into the chest cavity. Symptoms It is possible for an abdominal or groin hernia to generate an obvious lump or bulge that may be pushed back in or that disappears while laying down. An already-pushed lump may rise to the surface when one of the following occurs: laughing, weeping; coughing; straining; or engaging in vigorous physical activity. Hernias may cause a wide range of symptoms, including: Groin or scrotum swell or bulging (the pouch that contains the testicles). The bulge is causing more agony. Lifting causes discomfort. Over time, the size of the dimple has grown. A dull, painful numbness. Signs indicate a bowel blockage, such as a sensation of fullness. When a hiatal hernia occurs, the exterior of the body does not expand outward. Instead, heartburn, indigestion, trouble swallowing, frequent regurgitation (bringing food back up), and chest discomfort are possible symptoms Conclusion In case you are facing such symptoms or are looking for follow-up treatment for Hernia, please get in touch with Inamdar Hospital in Pune INAMDAR MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL – PUNE is an endeavor to alleviate the suffering of patients, by providing the best of healthcare at an optimal cost. A Multispeciality hospital that is centrally located and adorned with state–of–the–art infrastructure and an eminent panel of doctors are in a nutshell what we are all about. A highly sophisticated setup and a panel of super specialists functioning smoothly in a culture of care, commitment, dedication, and concern. Commitment To excellence and giving the patients and attendants, homely and secured facilities ensuring a speedy recovery. We understand the importance of your time. Administering a drug at regular intervals or prompt emergency care, our forte is precise time management which is important in healthcare.

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लिवर प्रत्यारोपण (Liver Transplant)के बाद सावधानियाँ

शरीर मे सिर्फ लिवर ही एकमात्र ऐसा अंग है, जो फिर से बन सकता है। लिवर प्रत्यारोपण (Liver Transplant) में खराब हो चुके लिवर को सर्जरी द्वारा निकाल दिया जाता है। इसके बाद उसके स्थान पर पूर्ण स्वथ्य लिवर या स्वथ्य लिवर का आधा भाग मरीज को ट्रांसप्लांट कर दिया जाता है। प्रत्यारोपण के बाद सावधानियाँ की आवश्यकता होती है। प्रत्यारोपण के बाद  जीवनशैली(lifestyle)में बदलाव करना जरुरी हैl  सर्जरी के बाद संतुलित आहार लेना बेहद जरूरी हो जाता है। इससे मरीज़ जल्दी ठीक हो सकते हैं। इस दौरान अत्यधिक भोजन या भोजन के प्रति लापरवाही आपका वजन, उच्च रक्तचाप और शर्करा एंव कोलेस्टॉल (High blood pressure and sugar and cholesterol) बढ़ा सकती है, जो ट्रांसप्लांट किए गए अंग के लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है। ज़्यादातर मरीज़ लिवर प्रत्यारोपण के बाद एक सामान्य ज़िन्दगी जीने लगते हैं।  मरीज़ ३ महीने बाद अपने काम पर लौट सकते हैंl लेकीन प्रत्यारोपण के बाद धूम्रपान(Smoking) करने से बचेंl शराब(Alcohol Consumption) या अन्य कोई भी आदत से दूर रहना जरुरी है l थोड़ी सी भी शराब नए लिवर को ख़राब करने के लिए काफ़ी है और शराब पीने के बाद नए लिवर को बचा पाना मुमकिन नहीं है। आधा लिवर दान करने के बाद मरीजको कुछ दिनों तक बेहतर देखभाल की आवश्यकता होती है। डॉक्टर ने दिये गये सूचना अनुसार  नियमित चेकअप कराएं और दवाई का सेवन करेl प्रत्यारोपणके बाद संक्रमण कई  संक्रमण से बचने के लिए भीड़ – भार वाले स्थान से बचेंl नियमित रूप से हाथ धोने की आदत डालें। और पुरे शरीर की सफाई और  सावधानी बरते। ३,४ महीने के बाद मरीज़  सभी तरह के खेल सकते हैl  व्यायाम करना भी चालू किया जा सकता है। लेकिन जहाँ तक हो सके तो जूडो, कराटे, बॉक्सिंग आदि ऐसे खेलोसे दूर रहना चाहिए। प्रत्यारोपण सर्जरीके बाद  ज़्यादातर मरीज़ २ महीने बाद स्वयं गाड़ी चला सकते हैं। लेकीन मरीज को दवाइयाँ खाने के बाद गाड़ी नहीं चलानी चाहिए क्योंकि इनसे नींद आने और दुर्घटना होने की सम्भावना बढ़ जाती है। मरीज़ अगर दूर का सफर रेल्वे या हवाई जहाज से करना  चाहते है तो  सफ़र कर सकते हैं। यदि आप किसी अन्य देश में जा रहे हैं तो अपने  ट्रांसप्लांट डॉक्टरसे अवश्य परामर्श करें ताकि मरीज़ को पर्याप्त सेवा मिल सके। लिवर प्रत्यारोपण के लिए हमसे संपर्क करे। पुणे में इनामदार मल्टीस्पेशलिटी अस्पताल (Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital, Pune) एक अत्याधुनिक अस्पताल है जो कम लागत पर सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदान करता है। यहां डॉक्टरों की टीम अपनी सामाजिक प्रतिबद्धता और समर्पण के लिए जानी जाती है। अस्पताल की पूरी टीम मरीजों की देखभाल करने और उनके परिवारों का समर्थन करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। रोगी की देखभाल एक परिवार की तरह की जाती है ताकि समय पर दवा उपचार से रोगी जल्द से जल्द ठीक हो सके। पुणे के केंद्र में स्थित और अत्याधुनिक बुनियादी ढांचे के साथ, इनामदार मल्टीस्पेशलिटी अस्पताल सभी बीमारियों के लिए उत्कृष्ट स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदान करता है।

लिवर प्रत्यारोपण (Liver Transplant)के बाद सावधानियाँ Read More »

Gastroscopy Treatment and Cost in Pune

Gastroscopy is the treatment where the esophagus or the food pipe gets examined with the duodenum and the stomach. This procedure helps to find out the cause of blood in the feces, anemia, vomiting blood, and abnormal pain in the abdomen. These problems usually happen due to infection in the digestive system and other problems. What is the cost and treatment of gastroscopy? In Pune, gastroscopy costs somewhere around Rs. 800/- to Rs. 14000/-. For the treatment, the doctor will give a local anesthetic spray to numb the throat of the patient. In young children, general anesthetic procedures are done. The endoscopist will put the endoscope inside the throat and move it down the throat further. In addition, resting for a few hours may also enable you to get rid of or wear off the effect of the sedative. How can you get ready for a gastroscopy? You have to be on an empty stomach so that the doctor can see properly and prevent vomiting. In addition, you will have to avoid drinking or eating anything six hours before the procedure. For medical conditions and allergies, you have to consult your doctor regarding taking regular medicines. What will happen after gastroscopy? If you require gastroscopy, you will be given light sedation. It normally takes fifteen to thirty minutes. You may get the feeling of drowsiness, and you may experience some bloating because of the air that is produced at the time of the procedure. You can drink and eat, but you must avoid traveling alone or driving after the examination. Moreover, you need to avoid drinking alcohol for twenty-four hours. Your doctor will then inform you about the results of your gastroscopy. Conclusion: In case you need to get a gastroscopy done, you can contact our doctors at Inamdar Hospital located in Pune.

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गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी क्यों की जाती है? गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी के बाद क्या होता है?

गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी (Gastroscopy) एक चिकित्सा प्रक्रिया है जिस मे पेट मे एक नचीली ट्यूब डाली जाती है| जीस के निचले हिस्से मे कॅमेरा लगा होता है और उस कॅमेरे की मदत से पेट के अंदर देखा जा सकता है| जिसे ऐंडोस्कोप को भी कहते है| ऐंडोस्कोप आपके शरीर के अंदर की छवीयों को मॉनिटर पर दिखाता है| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी क्यों की जाती है? गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी का उपयोग लक्षनो की जांच करणे (detecting diseases) या निदान की पुष्टि करने के लिए किया जाता है| आपको पेट मे किसी प्रकार की समस्या होती है, जैसे खाना निगलने मे कठिनाई, लगातार पेट दर्द तो आपको  गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी करने का सुजाव दिया जाता है| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी, या पेट की जांच, गैस्ट्रिटिस, अल्सर या अन्नप्रणाली, पेट या ग्रहणी के ट्यूमर जैसे रोगों की पुष्टि या निर्णय के लिए उपयोगी है। गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी का उपयोग आंत के विभिन्न समस्यायो के इलाज मे भी किया जा सकता है| डॉक्टर एन्डोस्कोप (Endoscope) के नीचे एक छोटा उपकरण लगा सकते है| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपि एक तर तरह की सुरक्षित प्रक्रिया है जिसमे जोखिम की संभावना बहुत ही कम है| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी के लिये लगभग पंद्रह मिनिट का समय लगता है| इस प्रक्रिया के लिए आपको हॉस्पिटल मे रात भर रुकने की जरूरत नही होती है| गॅस्ट्रोस्कोपी की प्रक्रिया इंडॉस्कॉपिस्ट (Endoscopic) के द्वारा की जाती है| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी के बाद क्या होता है? गॅस्ट्रोस्कोपी के बाद रिकवरी को ज्यादा समय नही लगता है| अगर रोगी का सिर्फ गला सून किया गया है, तो उसी दिन वह घर जा सकते है| लेकिन रोगी को बेहोश किया गया है तो अगले दिन घर जा सकते है| इसके कुछ दिन बाद डॉक्टर रिपोर्ट दिखाने के लिए रोगीको अस्पताल बुला सकते है| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपि के 24 घंटे बाद तक शराब पिना एवं गाडी चलाना मना है| साथ ही किसी भी तरह की नींद की दवा न खाने की सलाह दी जाती है| टेस्ट के 24 घंटे बाद तक रोगी सामान्य हो जाते हैं| इसके अलावा गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी से संबंधित कोई भी सवाल होतो डॉक्टर से जरूर पूछ ले| गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी के अंत में, रोगी को एक लिखित रिपोर्ट और संभवतः फोटोग्राफिक दस्तावेज प्राप्त होंगे। इनामदार मल्टीस्पेशलिटी अस्पताल (Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital, Pune) मे यह स्वास्थसेवा  मिलती हैं| पुणे में इनामदार मल्टीस्पेशलिटी अस्पताल (Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital, Pune) एक अत्याधुनिक अस्पताल है जो कम लागत पर सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदान करता है। यहां डॉक्टरों की टीम अपनी सामाजिक प्रतिबद्धता और समर्पण के लिए जानी जाती है। अस्पताल की पूरी टीम मरीजों की देखभाल करने और उनके परिवारों का समर्थन करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। रोगी की देखभाल एक परिवार की तरह की जाती है ताकि समय पर दवा उपचार से रोगी जल्द से जल्द ठीक हो सके। पुणे के केंद्र में स्थित और अत्याधुनिक बुनियादी ढांचे के साथ, इनामदार मल्टीस्पेशलिटी अस्पताल सभी बीमारियों के लिए उत्कृष्ट स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदान करता है।

गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी क्यों की जाती है? गैस्ट्रोस्कोपी के बाद क्या होता है? Read More »