Inamdar Hospital

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery


Robotic Knee Replacement surgery is an advanced medical procedure that is becoming increasingly popular in modern medicine. At Inamdar Hospital, this cutting-edge technology is being used to provide patients with the best possible outcomes for their knee replacement surgery.

Robotic knee replacement surgery is an advanced surgical procedure that uses a robotic arm to assist the surgeon during the operation. The robotic arm provides precise and accurate movements that aid in the removal of damaged or diseased bone and tissue from the knee joint.

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery at Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital

Are you experiencing knee pain and reduced mobility? Robotic knee replacement surgery at Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital may be the solution you need. We offer state-of-the-art robotic knee replacement surgery in Wanowrie, Fatima Nagar, NIBM, and Kondhwa, with the aim of providing the best care and outcomes for our patients. Our team of skilled surgeons, along with advanced robotic technology, ensures that you receive a safe and effective procedure. Here’s everything you need to know about robotic knee replacement surgery:

Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

Robotic knee replacement surgery offers several benefits to patients. These include:

  1. Shorter Hospital Stays: With the assistance of robotics, the surgical procedure is more precise and efficient, allowing for shorter hospital stays and faster recovery times.
  2. Reduced Pain and Discomfort: Robotic technology enables surgeons to make more accurate incisions and perform precise movements, resulting in reduced pain and discomfort during and after the surgery.
  3. Faster Recovery Times: The precision of the robotic arm minimizes tissue damage, leading to faster recovery times compared to traditional knee replacement surgery.
  4. Improved Outcomes: The use of robotics in knee replacement surgery enhances the overall surgical outcomes, with patients experiencing improved mobility and quality of life.
  5. Lower Risk of Complications: The robotic arm provides real-time feedback to the surgeon, minimizing the risk of complications and reducing the need for revision surgery.

The Procedure for Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

The procedure for robotic knee replacement surgery at Inamdar Hospital involves the following steps:

  1. 3D Knee Model Creation: Advanced imaging technology is used to create a 3D model of the patient’s knee, enabling the surgeon to plan the surgical procedure accurately.
  2. Surgical Planning: The 3D model helps the surgeon determine the optimal placement of the implant, ensuring a precise and customized approach tailored to each patient’s needs.
  3. Robotic-Assisted Surgery: During the surgery, the robotic arm provides real-time feedback to the surgeon, assisting in precise cuts and accurate placement of the implant.

Post-Operative Care

After the surgery, post-operative care plays a crucial role in achieving the best possible outcome. Patients will be required to undergo physical therapy to strengthen the knee and improve their range of motion. Our experienced rehabilitation team will guide you through a strict rehabilitation program designed to optimize your recovery and restore functionality.


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Success Rates of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

Robotic knee replacement surgery has shown a high success rate, with patients experiencing significant improvement in mobility and quality of life. The use of robotics in knee replacement surgery has also been associated with a reduced risk of complications, making it a reliable option for patients seeking long-term relief from knee pain and improved functionality.

Consult with the Best Doctor for Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

Choosing the right surgeon is crucial for the success of any surgical procedure. At Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital, we have a team of highly skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeons specializing in robotic knee replacement surgery. Our doctors have a proven track record of successful procedures and are dedicated to providing personalized care and optimal outcomes.

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery at Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital, Pune

Robotic knee replacement surgery at Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital offers numerous benefits, including shorter hospital stays, reduced pain, faster recovery times, and improved outcomes. The use of robotics ensures greater precision and accuracy during the procedure, resulting in enhanced patient satisfaction. If you’re considering knee replacement surgery, consult with our best robotic surgery specialists to determine if this option is suitable for you. Regain your mobility and quality of life with our advanced robotic knee replacement surgery.

Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery Videos


What to expect after robotic knee replacement?

After a robotic knee replacement, you can expect a gradual improvement in mobility and pain relief. Initially, you may experience some discomfort and swelling, which can be managed with pain medications and icing. Physical therapy will play a crucial role in your recovery, helping you regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your knee. It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions and adhere to your rehabilitation program for optimal recovery.

How long after robotic knee replacement can you walk?

The time it takes to start walking after robotic knee replacement can vary depending on several factors, including your overall health, the extent of the surgery, and your individual progress during recovery. Typically, patients are encouraged to start walking with the assistance of a walker or crutches within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery. As your strength and mobility improve, you will gradually transition to using a cane or walking independently. Most patients can resume normal walking within 2 to 6 weeks after surgery, but it’s important to follow your surgeon’s guidance regarding weight-bearing and mobility restrictions.

What is the length of time for robotic knee replacement?

The length of time for a robotic knee replacement procedure can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the surgeon’s experience. On average, the surgical procedure itself typically takes around 1 to 2 hours. However, the overall time spent in the hospital or medical facility will be longer, including pre-operative preparations, anesthesia administration, post-operative recovery, and observation. In total, patients may expect to spend a day or two in the hospital, but the exact length of stay will be determined by your surgeon and your individual progress.

What are the complications of robotic knee replacement?
  1. While robotic knee replacement surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some potential risks and complications. These can include:
  • Infection at the surgical site
  • Blood clots in the leg (deep vein thrombosis) or lungs (pulmonary embolism)
  • Implant-related complications, such as loosening, wear, or dislocation
  • Nerve or blood vessel damage
  • Persistent pain or stiffness
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia or surgical materials

It’s important to discuss these potential complications with your surgeon before the procedure and follow their post-operative instructions carefully to minimize risks.

What is the hardest part of knee replacement recovery?

The hardest part of knee replacement recovery can vary from person to person, as it depends on individual factors and circumstances. However, many patients commonly find the early stages of recovery challenging. This period often involves managing pain and swelling, regaining strength and mobility, and adapting to new movement patterns. Physical therapy exercises can sometimes be uncomfortable or require significant effort, which can make the recovery process feel difficult. Additionally, it may take time to adjust to the limitations or restrictions on activities that were once routine. It’s important to stay motivated, follow your rehabilitation program diligently, and seek support from healthcare professionals or a support network to overcome these challenges.

We Care For Our Patients

Dr. Shailesh Naik


Dr. Murtaza Adeeb

Orthopedic Doctor

Dr. Qaedjohar Dhariwal

Orthopedic Doctor

Dr. Rohit Chakor

Orthopedic Doctor

Dr. Nikhil Jadhav

Orthopedic Doctor