Inamdar Hospital

A Heartwarming Journey of Hope and Survival

A Heartwarming Journey of Hope and Survival

Inamdar Hospital – Pune, India | 10th July 2024

In the early hours of June 11th, 2024, a tiny fighter entered this world much earlier than expected. Baby born at just 30 weeks and 5 days, weighed a mere 1.48 kg, a delicate life hanging in the balance. Her premature birth, brought about by an emergency C-section, marked the beginning of a month-long journey in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Inamdar Hospital.

As soon as Baby was born, she required immediate medical assistance to breathe. Her fragile lungs struggled, and she was placed on mechanical ventilation. A diagnosis of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) followed, but the doctors and nurses at Inamdar Hospital remained hopeful. One dose of surfactant was administered to help her underdeveloped lungs, and she was gradually weaned off the ventilator after 24 hours. With the expertise of the medical team, Baby transitioned to non-invasive support (NIV) and slowly began to show signs of improvement.

Throughout her NICU stay, Baby’s condition remained stable, and she was spared from any complications or infections. With Kangaroo Mother Care, strict aseptic protocols, and the relentless love and care from her parents, she thrived. Each day brought new hope, as Baby’s weight gradually increased and her strength returned.
Baby was screened for a range of prematurity-related conditions—Hydrocephalus, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Anemia, Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), Osteopenia, and hearing defects. Fortunately, all tests came back normal, and there were no signs of any lasting health concerns.

After 30 days in the NICU, on July 10th, 2024, Baby was discharged, weighing 2.12 kg. She had fought her way through a challenging beginning and was ready to go home, healthy and strong. Her discharge was a moment of immense relief and joy for her family, who had been by her side every step of the way, showing unwavering faith and strength.

Today, at 7 months old, Baby continues to grow and thrive. She visits Inamdar Hospital regularly for her routine vaccinations and has become a symbol of resilience. Her journey serves as a reminder of the incredible power of modern medicine, the unwavering commitment of healthcare professionals, and the unbreakable bond between parents and their newborns.

This success story is a testament to the expertise and dedication of Dr. Sandesh Runwal, along with his team of doctors and nurses at Inamdar Hospital, and the dedicated, loving parents of Baby.
Together, they made the impossible possible. Thank you!

Contact Information:
Inamdar Hospital, Pune
Call: 020-66812222 / 44