[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Clinical evidence shows that The Massage Gun is a professional grade percussive therapy device ideal to aid in the recovery of athletes, and anyone else who suffer from injuries or muscle aches.
the benefits of massage guns and percussive therapy: speedier recovery, reduced muscle soreness and lactic acid build-up which could mean less pain, improved range of motion, better blood circulation and more.
Massage guns are primarily thought of as “recovery” tools in today’s fitness culture, but you can use them for either situation. In fact, using them as a warm up tool helps get you off the hook of that dreaded foam rolling ordeal.
In theory, the percussive therapy is doing several things you want in a warm up. First off, it’s heightening blood flow in your targeted muscles. Secondly, the pulsating is turning on your sympathetic nervous system, the fight-or-flight system that preps your body for activity and sport.
It looks like a power tool, and can sound like one, too. But it just may be your best method of recovering from a tough workout — and warming up, too.
We’ve been using massage guns on our patient and the results have been strong. If you train hard and are looking for an edge, a way to recover more quickly and get into your workouts more aggressively, this is a therapy you should consider.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]