Inamdar Hospital

Doctor’s Speak

Work Station on Wheels

We at IMH have well established Hospital Information System called PALASH.In addition to improved data accuracy, mobile computer workstations allow nurses and doctors to access the equipment and supplies they need to take care of each patient. To facilitate the handing and taking over the process, administration of medication, and documentation at the bedside, we at Inamdar Hospital have designed a workstation on wheels and given it to all wards with a ratio of 1:4. Following are the benefits of this trolley 1. Easy for the staff to identify the patient 2. Improved Data Accuracy We have a Laptop on each trolley which can be taken to each patient’s bedside. Staff no longer has to leave the room and make multiple trips to a centralized workstation. Having a computer workstation on hand that travels with a nurse promotes timely, accurate data entry. Reducing errors and improving patient care. 3. Promotes Patient Engagement        Point-of-care computer carts save time. All the documentation is done in front of the patient. Nurses don’t have to make multiple Involve the patients in their treatment Increase the IPR with the patient and relatives Maintain the confidentiality of the patient as all the plan of care is discussed and documented in front of the patient. 4. On-Hand Equipment Having equipment on hand prevents nurses from making multiple trips out of a patient’s room to get the supplies they need. This feature of mobile computer stations saves time because everything necessary to care for the patient is right at the nurse’s fingertips Secure Medication Dispensing When a nurse can retrieve a patient’s medicines from the HIS (Palash), the chance for medication administration error is almost nonexistent. It helps in transporting Medical supplies (pharmacy which is received and for returning before discharge) Making it more convenient for our nurses to complete the work on time. 5. Reduction of Infection and Cross-Contamination This mobility prevents nurses from sharing a central workstation. Prevent cross infection by using hand sanitizer after each use. The high-touch area is taken care of to prevent cross infection 6. Point-of-Care Streamlining Mobile computer carts allow for efficient patient care. By streamlining the patient data retrieval process, hospital staff reduces the risk of error and increases communication between nurses and doctors. Doctors can pull up a patient’s chart on the computer right in front of them at the patient’s bedside. Mobile computer workstations increase efficiency and allow for clear communication between doctors, nurses, and other staff. Conclusion Computer workstations on wheels promote improved caregiving in hospitals, resulting in better performance among staff and most importantly, better outcomes for patients. Reduces all types of errors. All the documentation can be done immediately after the procedure and can retrieve at any time. About Inamdar Hospital INAMDAR MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL – PUNE is an endeavor to alleviate the suffering of patients, by providing the best of healthcare at an optimal cost. A Multispeciality hospital that is centrally located and adorned with state–of–the–art infrastructure and an eminent panel of doctors are in a nutshell what we are all about. A highly sophisticated setup and a panel of super specialists functioning smoothly in a culture of care, commitment, dedication, and concern. Commitment To excellence and giving the patients and attendants, homely and secured facilities ensuring a speedy recovery. We understand the importance of your time. Administering a drug at regular intervals or prompt emergency care, our forte is precise time management which is important in healthcare.

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Five Healthy Tips For Diwali” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%231e73be” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 1) Control on your S-O-S (Salt-Oil- Suagr )- In festival season your meal like faral or sweets should be home made & maximum 20-25 % of your daily routine meal for a day. 2) Increase the intake of citrus fruits Citrus fruits act as antidote for bad cholesterol, excess saturated fats, sugar & salt which come by sweets & namkeen. 3) Favorite food/sweets First take your daily healthy meal then consume your favorite food in a set portion. Do not overeat it, because your digestive system need to work hard to get it out of the body. 4) Stay hydrated Don’t forget to keep yourself well hydrated, water helps in flush out toxins from your body & prevent overeating. 5) Do some exercise / Burn some extra calories Keep yourself fit & energetic to enjoy the festival. Dt. Shahenaz Shaikh Clinical Nutritionist & Registered Dietician Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Seven Super Foods For Navratri

Fasting has been a part of holistic religious practices since ancient times. Nutritious food in fasting period establishes harmonious coordination between body, mind & soul. During fasting it is important to take care of nutrition with hydration to stay healthy & energetic. 1) Sago (Sabudana) – Sago is an excellent source of carbohydrates & provides good energy. Easy for digestion. Along with protein like milk (kheer), peanut & veggies (khichadi) improve its nutrition quality. 2) Varaiche tandul (Bhagar/Sama rice) – Sama rice gives satiety & fullness with good nutrient. It is high in fiber & low in sugar as compare to rice. Suitable to diabetics also. Sama rice is a gluten free grain with balanced carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins & minerals. Excellent source of nutrient during fasting. 3) Makhana (Lotus seeds) – Phool makahana are high in protein & carbohydrates which gives satiety, subsides hunger pangs & quenches thirst. Good source of magnesium as well as very low in fat & sodium. 4) Kuttu (Buckwhaeat) -Kuttu rich in all essential nutrients. Helps to provides sustainable energy for whole day. Presence of all essential nutrients in it makes us crave less while fasting. 5) Shinghara (Water Chest Nut) – Feast your fast with singhare ka dosa / idli with veggies. With all nutrients it provides alkalinity to the body. Reduces stress from body. 6) Rajgeera(Amranth)- Rajgeera is a power house of nutrient. It contains all essential amino acids, calcium fat soluble vitamin as well as water soluble vitamin. Complete source of nutrition during fasting. 7) Fruits – Fruits gives energy with fullness & satiety for longer periods. They are rich in phyto-nutrients which stay you healthy & glowing in festive season. Fruits like banana, papaya, watermelon are good source of nutrients & keeps hydration in body. Dt Shahenaz shaikh Inamdar multispeciality Hospital

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Effects of Percussive Therapy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Clinical evidence shows that The Massage Gun is a professional grade percussive therapy device ideal to aid in the recovery of athletes, and anyone else who suffer from injuries or muscle aches. the benefits of massage guns and percussive therapy: speedier recovery, reduced muscle soreness and lactic acid build-up which could mean less pain, improved range of motion, better blood circulation and more. Massage guns are primarily thought of as “recovery” tools in today’s fitness culture, but you can use them for either situation. In fact, using them as a warm up tool helps get you off the hook of that dreaded foam rolling ordeal. In theory, the percussive therapy is doing several things you want in a warm up. First off, it’s heightening blood flow in your targeted muscles. Secondly, the pulsating is turning on your sympathetic nervous system, the fight-or-flight system that preps your body for activity and sport. It looks like a power tool, and can sound like one, too. But it just may be your best method of recovering from a tough workout — and warming up, too. We’ve been using massage guns on our patient and the results have been strong. If you train hard and are looking for an edge, a way to recover more quickly and get into your workouts more aggressively, this is a therapy you should consider.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Make Your Office Back Friendly

Make Your Office Back Friendly    If you’re like many people, you probably spend much of your day sitting at a desk. This sedentary behaviour puts you at increased risk for spending prolonged time in poor posture, potentially causing pain and discomfort. Few easy tips that will go a long way in helping your back feel better at work. Desk  Make sure your workspace has: Stable desk (not wobbly). At a good height (28″-30″ above the floor is suitable for most adults). Large enough for your computer and has surface space for writing and other tasks. Not so large that you have to over-reach to do your work. This can cause excessive strain on the spine.   Chair Use a well-constructed ergonomic chair to help reduce fatigue and discomfort, increase your blood flow, and reduce the risk of injury to your neck and spine. Make sure your office chair: Has a good backrest that provides lumbar support. Can recline (sitting upright at a 90º angle is actually not good for your spine, 100º-110º is better). Is not too high (your feet should be flat on the floor). Can rotate or swivel so that you can easily switch from task to task.   Extra Set-Up Tip!  All other pieces of furniture and equipment must be positioned to accommodate that perfect position. It might require stacking several books under the computer screen to bring it even to head level. The screen must be at eye level and the user should sit directly in front of the screen. A sliding keyboard attachment under the desk might be beneficial. Computer Since most office work is done on computers, where your equipment is placed can make a difference in how your back feels when you are at work. Try the following: Tilt the keyboard down and slightly away from you for better wrist posture. Make sure your mouse is close enough so that you can use it with your arms relaxed and as close to your body as possible. Place the monitor directly in front of you at eye level, not off to one side, to avoid neck and eye strain. If using a laptop, consider getting an external monitor or keyboard (or both). This will allow you to move each of these components separately to create a comfortable arrangement.   Practice Safe Sitting Even with the “best” equipment, if you are not sitting correctly, your spine will suffer. When sitting, note where your head, hands, and legs are. To avoid back pain, make sure to: Sit upright with your back and shoulders against the back of the chair. Avoid holding your phone between your head and shoulder. Don’t slouch. Arms should rest lightly on the armrests to avoid circulatory problems or nerve pressure. Keep your feet flat on the floor (don’t cross your legs!). Relax your shoulders while keyboarding.   Take a break Not just a coffee or tea break, but a spine breaks. Stretch, take a short walk, get the blood flowing. When you are at your desk, avoid staying in one position for a long time. Try switching between sitting and standing. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to leave your office feeling as refreshed as when you came in? Avoiding excessive strain on your spine can help you do just that.  

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]                         August 1st week is celebrated as world breast feeding week .We can promote & support breast feeding through healthy diet for lactating mothers. Feeding mother’s requirement of nutrient increases for maintenance of her own health & feed to the baby with quality of milk. Milk production burn extra 500kcal while fulfilling your baby’s nutritional needs. Requirement of calories as well as protein is increases. Calorie counting is not necessary when you are breast feeding but diet should be based on sufficient amount of calories, protein, iron, calcium & galactogauge (food which help in breast milk production). [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]             Food                         Requirement  Cereals Barley quinoa, oats , jowar  5-6 portions  Legumes Black beans, chick peas, lentils 2-3 portions  Milk Milk & milk products  500 – 700ml/day  Fruits Apple, banana, dates , figs  2-3 servings /day etc  Green veggies Spinach , methi, green math , shepu 1-2 portion  Dry nuts Almonds (6-8no) , coconut, sesame seed [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Galactogauge in your daily diet Methi seeds- 1-2 tsp/day Fennel seeds- 2 -3 tsp /day Garlic+ flax seed+ sunflower seed chutney- 2 tsp/day Coconut+ jaggary+ edible gum+dry nuts mixture – 30 to 40gm/day Sufficient intake of water is necessary. Adequate & healthy eating is the key to nourish well to your baby. Personalized plan with qualified dietician works better to fulfil the need.   Dt. Shahenaz Shaikh Clinical Nutritionist & Regd. Dietician[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


What are the benefits of breastfeeding for your baby?

  August 1 week is Breast feeding week. Awareness & promotion for lactation is important for both baby & mother health. Colostrums (thick yellow milk) first immunisation to the infant. Loaded with lots of disease fighting immunonutrients & health beneficial nutritional compounds.Colostrum is the ideal first milk and helps the newborn’s immature digestive tract to develop. After the first few days, the breasts start producing larger amounts of milk as the baby’s stomach grows. Breast milk contain correct amount of protein which is easy to digestion, contain essential fatty acids with digestive enzymes & enough amount of water so everything the baby needs for the first six months of life is present in it. It provides nutrients which is easily digested & readily available for growth & development of baby. Its composition even changes according to the baby’s changing needs. Breast milk is loaded with antibodies that help your baby fight off viral & bacterial infections. Formula food doesn’t provide antibodies protection to your baby. Mother’s milk protect baby from upper respiratory tract infections, lower respiratory tract infections, stomach related infection & getting allergic reactions. Your baby’s first six months are very crucial for brain growth. Brain mass almost doubles in this period. Babies who have fed breast milk are higher IQ then formula fed infants. Breast milk promotes healthy weight gain & prevents childhood obesity due to presence of appetite regulating & energy balancing hormone in it. Breast feeding helps in development of healthy eating habit due to baby’s self regulating pattern & satisfying the hunger. Breastfed babies have higher intelligence scores and are less likely to develop problems with behaviour and learning as they grow older. This difference may be due to the physical intimacy, touch and eye contact associated with breastfeeding. Breast milk is always at the right temperature & ready to drink. Saves time of cleaning & maintain the hygiene of bottles. It saves money expenditure on formula food.  Dt. Shahenaz Shaikh

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Ramadan is a special time of worship for Muslims. The thirty day period of fasting can be challenging with weight loss & fat loss goals. But it is very possible to complete the holy month fasting with progressive results towards fat loss & weight loss goals. Key for achievement in goals is proper planning & right guidance on diet & exercise. Calories-After a full day of fast your hunger hormones (ghrelin) will be very high there will be more chances of intake of foods which is having great taste but loaded with lots of calories & carbohydrates & this one is more harmful to your weight loss & fat loss goals. To achieve weight loss goal we need to take calorie deficit diet on weekly basis with cheat meal at weekends. But during Ramadan fasting, the whole schedule is changed need a proper distribution of calories into your eating window between Iftar & Suhur. Control on portion size & quality of food also matters. Eating out is very common in Ramadan as Iftar party, social occasion at restaurant or eating outside food. But, who knows how many hidden calories are in the so-called “healthy foods” you will get at your favourite restaurant or outside food? So it is advisable to see the menu & decide which one is best fit to your weight loss & fat loss diet plan. Protein-Always consider protein as a base to your meal. Include quality protein in each & every meal. Protein play vital role in satiety, it will keep you feeling fuller for longer period in fasting.  During Ramadan fasting sufficient amount of protein is require to maintain muscle mass & healthy body composition. If you are training heard, protein requirement will be high Include egg white, chicken, fish, whole pulses, paneer, tofu & yogurt. Carbohydrates– Good quality of CHO like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat & oats give satiety & support the weight loss goals. After workout (in last meal) inclusion of quality of carbohydrates helps to production of serotonin in brain which require for better sleep & reduce the stress, can occur on body due to hours of fasting. Fats– Fats have a bad reputation with obesity but it plays vital role in healthy diet & weight loss goal. Use monounsaturated & polyunsaturated fats in the form of peanut butter, avocado, walnuts, oily & fatty fish & flaxseed. Avoid saturated & trans- fat as they are pro inflammatory. Keep yourself well hydrated in between iftar & suhur, water helps to get rid of toxins. Not getting adequate water also affect your muscle protein synthesis. Vegetables having high fibre content give satiety & fullness you can stay off craving & hunger for longer periods it reduces extra calories intake. Veggies are also loaded with vitamins, phytonutrients & antioxidants. So include high volume, low calorie, nutrient dense veggies in weight loss & fat loss goals. Avoid excess intake of salt in suhur, excess intake will feel you more thirsty in whole day. Have a light & balanced iftar. Avoid sugary drinks, deep fried fatty food, replace it with 2-3 dates & protein rich soups & salads. Modify your cooking habits with baking, roasting, steaming, using herbs, spices & veggies to give taste to your food without adding calories. Fasting is not excused for us to doing nothing & sleeping the whole day. Stay active in a day & do some vigorous activity after iftar such as lunges, sit-ups, and squats. Sleep is also essential part of weight loss & fat loss goals. It is more important in Ranmdan fasting to relieve the body stress. Try to take 6-7 hours of good quality sleep. Dt.Shahenaz Shaikh MSc(Dietetics) RD


Safe Fasting With Diabetes

Ramadan Is a great opportunity to break the chains of bad eating habits. What we eat outside our fasting is crucial to our health. Diet should be simple but nutritious. It should be less than the normal amount but sufficiently balanced to maintain the health & the activity for the whole month of the Ramadan. Those on blood lowering medication should consult diabetologist for adjustment of doses to prevent blood glucose levels from going either too low or too high. Try to have the meal at Sehri at the proper time just before the set time, not at midnight. This will spread out your energy intake more evenly and result in more balanced blood glucose when fasting. It is important for people with diabetes to eat enough to keep nourished & maintain euglycemia. Inclusion of healthy, low glycemic index foods helps to maintain glycemic control. Simple carbohydrates provides instant energy. But for people with diabetes even in ramdan, it is not a good choice. It increases blood sugar level very fast. Low glycaemia index & fibre rich foods brown rice, brown bread, full grain bread & vegetables are better options then white rice, refined flour bread & veggies like potato, sweet potato, suran & arvi. Protein is a good source of energy and is more slowly absorbed than carbohydrate. Healthy fats also provide a good amount of energy so the inclusion of Nuts, oily fish, avocados, olives, and olive oil are excellent sources of energy. These options are a great way to get the energy you need whilst keeping your blood sugar levels under control. Healthy cooking habits baking & grilling helps to control excess caloric intake. Do some light exercise or go for a walk. If you attend Taraweeh prayers (special night-time prayers for Ramadan) in the evening, perhaps you could walk all or part of the way there. Do not sleep soon after your dinner. A minimum two-hour interval should be maintained. Foods to eat at Sehri (Suhoor) Pre-dawn meal should include a meal which provides long lasting energy throughout the day The Saheri should include more proteins and less carbohydrate with lots of fruits, whole grain bread, whole grain low sugar cereals, beans, and lentils. Combine the pre-dawn food with proteins like eggs or dal which gradually releases energy through the day. Drink plenty of fluids, choose fluid-rich foods to make sure you are well hydrated for the day ahead and go for starchy foods for energy, choosing high fibre or wholegrain varieties where possible as these tend to be digested more slowly. Foods that are long lasting energy are complex carbohydrate & high fibre food. Example whole wheat, daliya, oats, couscous & brown rice, etc. But make sure that meal made by these grains are not too salty or they may make you very thirsty. Yogurt – this can be a good food to include at suhoor as it provides nutrients like protein, calcium, iodine and B vitamins and also contains fluid. You could combine it with cereal and fruit. Milk- Easy to digest & assimilate with good nutrients. Like protein & calcium. Add cool foods like cucumbers, pineapple, tomatoes, oranges, melons and onions which help in reducing body heat. Keep away from salty foods as they increase fluid loss in your body. Foods to eat at Iftar ( Fast breaking meal ) After a long fast it’s natural to want to treat yourself but try to break your fast with sugar-free and decaffeinated drinks to rehydrate your body and avoid dehydration. Remember that you have a short time each day in ramdan to eat and drink to provide your body with all the essential nutrients and fluids it needs to be healthy, so the quality of your diet is especially important during Ramadan. While breaking the day-long fast, the body needs to be well hydrated and one should drink sugar free and decaffeinated fluids. It is important for a diabetic to take natural sugar in the form of fruits instead of juices, Try to make sure the foods you eat provide a balance of starchy foods, fruit and vegetables, dairy foods and protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, and beans. Dates – Traditionally eaten to break the fast since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, dates are a great way to break the fast as they provide natural sugars for energy, provide minerals like potassium, copper, and manganese and are a good source of fibre, diabetics can include dates but in moderation. Drinks – Water, milk, fruit juices – water provides hydration without any extra calories or added sugars. Drinks based on milk and fruit provide some natural sugars and nutrients – these are also good to break the fast but avoid drinking with added sugars these can provide too much sugars and calories. Fruit – A traditional way to break the fast. Other fruits also provides natural sugars for energy, fluid, and some vitamins and minerals. You could also try other dried fruits such as apricots, figs, raisins or prunes, which also provide fibre and nutrients. Soup – Traditional soups are based on a meat broth and often contain pulses, like lentils and beans, and starchy foods like pasta or grains, providing nutrients and energy. Avoid deep fried foods such as puri, samosa, chwera, and pakoras. Dt.Shahenaz Shaikh MSc(Dietetics) RD

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Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) by – Dr. Pramanik Namrata

It is a chronic, complex, pre-malignant condition of oral cavity in which there is inflammatory reaction and progressive fibrosis of submucosal tissues. As the condition progresses the patient is unable to open  mouth as the jaws get rigid. The codition is associated with chewing of areca nut/betel quid In the initial phase of the disease, the mucosa feels leathery with palpable fibrotic bands. In the advanced stage the oral mucosa loses its resiliency and becomes blanched and stiff. The disease is believed to begin in the posterior part of the oral cavity and gradually spread outward. Other features of the disease include: Xerostomia Recurrent ulceration Pain in the ear or deafness Nasal intonation of voice Restriction of the movement of the soft palate A budlike shrunken uvula Thinning and stiffening of the lips Pigmentation of the oral mucosa Dryness of the mouth and burning sensation Decreased mouth opening and tongue protrusion Treatment includes: Abstention from chewing areca nut (also known as betel nut) and tobacco Minimizing the consumption of spicy foods, including chilies Maintaining proper oral hygiene Supplementing the diet with foods rich in vitamins A, B complex, and C and iron Forgoing hot fluids like tea, coffee Forgoing alcohol Employing a dental surgeon to round off sharp teeth and extract third molars

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Dry Needling Technique to Recover Fast From Running Injuries- by Dr. Darshita Fatnani

Are Running injuries interfering with your performance? Dry needling will help you to recover fast. Achilles tendonitis is the second most common injury experienced by habitual runners. Achilles tendonitis is inflammation of the Achilles tendon as a result of repeated injury (usually tearing). The main symptom is pain often described as burning or aching in the Achilles tendon 1-4 inches above the heel. The pain is usually worse in the morning and aggravated with prolonged activity. There are 3 reasons: 1. Tight/Weak Calves: The calf is comprised of two large muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, which combine to point the foot downward. This motion is an essential part of walking/running, and the calf should supply a large amount of the force necessary for a proper push off. However, when a muscle is weak or tight, the muscle is in a state of restriction. Because of restriction tension will accumulate in the muscle & tendon. Continued stress will break down the tendon, and it will be subject to repetitive tearing and thus a chronic inflammatory process. 2. Abnormal Foot Structure: The thing is, there is no such thing as a “perfect” foot. They all come in different shapes and sizes. There are definitely structural characteristics of some feet that will make them susceptible to developing pathological hypomobility. The foot is the first line of shock absorption of the kinetic chain. There are 33 articulations in the foot alone, each one important for proper force distribution when load is being placed through the lower extremity. The less mobile these joints are, the more force will be translated up the kinetic chain. Sometimes that excessive force will accumulate as stress and tension in a muscle or joint, such as the Achilles tendon. 3. Weak Glutes/Hips: Weak glutes and hips can lead to a myriad of musculoskeletal conditions, including Achilles tendonitis. The weaker the glutes and less stable the hips are, the more distal muscles will be called upon to compensate. This can sometimes lead to overutilization of the calves to promote hip extension with walking/running. As we can imagine, this is multiplied especially for an activity like running as it involves repetitive eccentric loading of the lower extremities for prolonged periods. When muscles are overused, they will be in a state of increased tightness and restriction, thus leading to accumulation of stress and irritation to the musculotendinous junction, the Achilles tendon. To relax the tight muscle dry needling will help. Dry needling involves having a needle plunged into your skin so that it touches your muscles on key points. The technique is often called trigger-point needling and it’s meant to help release tight muscles. Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular, and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. It is a technique used to treat dysfunctions in skeletal muscle, fascia, and connective tissue, and to diminish persistent peripheral nociceptive input, and reduce or restore impairments in body structure and function, leading to improved activity and participation.

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How to Choose a Mouthwash by Dr. Pramanik Namrata

Though it may seem that all mouthwashes are the same, they are not! There are 2 major categories of mouthwashes-cosmetic and therapeutic. a cosmetic mouth rinse acts as a temporary breath freshner. It contains no agents that help protect teeth against cavities or prevent gingivitis. On the other hand, the therapeutic mouth rinses help prevent cavities and gum disease. If you are prone to cavities you need to choose a mouthwash that contains fluoride, this mineral helps protect your teeth by strengthening the enamel and making it more difficult for acids that cause cavities to affect the teeth. In persons suffering from gum disease, increased tartar build up allows gum disease causing bacteria to spread and inflame the gums. In such cases, mouth washes designed to control tartar and gum disease must be used. Unfortunately, certain fluoride containing mouth washes can contribute to gum disease as fluoride is another mineral that can nurture accumulation on tartar on your teeth as tartar is nothing but mineralized plaque. Thus most mouthwashes cannot address the 2 conditions simultaneously.

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What is leptospira? by – Dr.Anand Tiwari

 What is leptospira?                                 It is a bacterial disease, caused by bacteria leptospira, spread through the urine of infected animals Most commonly spread through rodents like rats, mice Most common in warm climates In developing country like India-most commonly affects farmers Transmitted by water /soil contaminated by urine of infected animals coming in contact with  breaks in skin, eyes, mouth, nose   What are the presenting symptoms? Incubation period i.e  the time from infection to symptom onset   is: 7-12 days some infected people may have no symptoms disease may occur in 2 phases wide range of symptoms from mild to severe high fever,headache,chills,muscle aches,vomiting,jaundice,abdominal pain,diarrhea, rash after the first phase of above mentioned symptoms –the  patient may recover for a time and become ill again if second phase occurs-it is more severe, may cause –kidney failure, liver failure or meningitits, and lung hemorrhages   How can one get infected? Rats, mice, and moles are important primary hosts A wide range of other mammals including dogs, deer, rabbits, hedgehogs, cows, sheep, swine, raccoons, and certain marine mammals carry and transmit the disease as secondary hosts Transmitted through contact with water, food, or soil that contains urine from infected animals Through  swallowing of contaminated food or water Can also get transmitted through the skin, mucosal contact What are the various tests that can be done? For the first 7 days, bacteria is detected in Blood & CSF After 7-10 days of bacteria detected in Urine Diagnosis is confirmed with tests such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) MAT (microscopic agglutination test) is considered the gold standard in diagnosing leptospirosis kidney function tests and liver function tests may also be deranged What conditions can mimic leptospirosis? dengue fever and other hemorrhagic fevers hepatitis of various causes viral meningitis malaria typhoid fever mild forms should be distinguished from influenza and other related viral diseases What are the preventive measures? Effective rat control Avoidance of urine contaminated water sources During outbreaks in endemic regions-prophylaxis with Doxycycline once a week, with  doctors advise is used to minimize the risk of infection What are available medical therapy? Effective antibiotics include doxycycline or penicillin For more severe cases: cefotaxime or ceftriaxone are preferred antibiotics In cases with kidney damage-dialysis may be required corticosteroids in gradually reduced doses is recommended by some specialists in cases of severe hemorrhagic effects. Administration of organ-specific care and treatment are essential in cases of kidney, liver, or heart involvement. other supportive symptomatic  treatment  is given as required          

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