Ramadan is a special time of worship for Muslims. The thirty day period of fasting can be challenging with weight loss & fat loss goals. But it is very possible to complete the holy month fasting with progressive results towards fat loss & weight loss goals. Key for achievement in goals is proper planning & right guidance on diet & exercise.
Calories-After a full day of fast your hunger hormones (ghrelin) will be very high there will be more chances of intake of foods which is having great taste but loaded with lots of calories & carbohydrates & this one is more harmful to your weight loss & fat loss goals. To achieve weight loss goal we need to take calorie deficit diet on weekly basis with cheat meal at weekends. But during Ramadan fasting, the whole schedule is changed need a proper distribution of calories into your eating window between Iftar & Suhur. Control on portion size & quality of food also matters.
Eating out is very common in Ramadan as Iftar party, social occasion at restaurant or eating outside food. But, who knows how many hidden calories are in the so-called “healthy foods” you will get at your favourite restaurant or outside food? So it is advisable to see the menu & decide which one is best fit to your weight loss & fat loss diet plan.
Protein-Always consider protein as a base to your meal. Include quality protein in each & every meal. Protein play vital role in satiety, it will keep you feeling fuller for longer period in fasting. During Ramadan fasting sufficient amount of protein is require to maintain muscle mass & healthy body composition. If you are training heard, protein requirement will be high Include egg white, chicken, fish, whole pulses, paneer, tofu & yogurt.
Carbohydrates– Good quality of CHO like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat & oats give satiety & support the weight loss goals. After workout (in last meal) inclusion of quality of carbohydrates helps to production of serotonin in brain which require for better sleep & reduce the stress, can occur on body due to hours of fasting.
Fats– Fats have a bad reputation with obesity but it plays vital role in healthy diet & weight loss goal. Use monounsaturated & polyunsaturated fats in the form of peanut butter, avocado, walnuts, oily & fatty fish & flaxseed. Avoid saturated & trans- fat as they are pro inflammatory.
Keep yourself well hydrated in between iftar & suhur, water helps to get rid of toxins. Not getting adequate water also affect your muscle protein synthesis. Vegetables having high fibre content give satiety & fullness you can stay off craving & hunger for longer periods it reduces extra calories intake. Veggies are also loaded with vitamins, phytonutrients & antioxidants. So include high volume, low calorie, nutrient dense veggies in weight loss & fat loss goals. Avoid excess intake of salt in suhur, excess intake will feel you more thirsty in whole day. Have a light & balanced iftar. Avoid sugary drinks, deep fried fatty food, replace it with 2-3 dates & protein rich soups & salads.
Modify your cooking habits with baking, roasting, steaming, using herbs, spices & veggies to give taste to your food without adding calories.
Fasting is not excused for us to doing nothing & sleeping the whole day. Stay active in a day & do some vigorous activity after iftar such as lunges, sit-ups, and squats.
Sleep is also essential part of weight loss & fat loss goals. It is more important in Ranmdan fasting to relieve the body stress. Try to take 6-7 hours of good quality sleep.
Dt.Shahenaz Shaikh
MSc(Dietetics) RD